Who Do You Trust?
Besides God, I mean, who can you trust? I was hoping, and I’ve been praying that God was going to “save” America–but my hope is fading. I am really concerned about the world my grand-kids will live in if things continue as they are from a political perspective.
An AP story today – “WASHINGTON – Rep. Barney Frank asserted Thursday that the Obama administration can be more trusted than the Bush administration to ensure that banks do not misuse money they get from a $700 billion bailout fund. Frank, D-Mass., denied in a nationally broadcast interview that Congress has failed to put strings on these loans to ensure that banks do not pay extravagant executive bonuses or take expensive retreats. ‘We didn’t give them the second half ($350 billion) with no strings attached,’ Frank said on CBS’s ‘The Early Show.'”
I am pretty sure this is the Barney Frank who proclaimed loudly and at great length, a year or so ago, that Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were sound, safe, and perfectly regulated. I think this is the same Barney Frank that assured us that the first $700 billion bailout needed no strings. Now that the first half is gone, and only Heaven knows where and what for, he is telling us we need some strings. And I believe this is the same Barney Frank that helped push through another trillion dollar scam that has no plan behind it, no purpose for it’s existence, and no product to show when it’s all gone. This might even be the Barney Frank who has for years frauduently taken your tax money under the guise that he is an intelligent patriot.
Outside of God and my genuinely Godly friends and my incredibly beautiful bride, I don’t know if I trust anyone anymore. Thank Heaven I have them at least.