With All Your Strength
I can’t help myself. I have to comment on my Pastor’s message last evening (February 22). Yeah, I know, some of you have stopped going on Sunday evening, but I keep trudging over for the “exposition.”
The text was Ecclesiastes 9:10 — “Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength, because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.”
Doc Weaver (as I prefer to call him) talked about our work (secular or spiritual), and our worship. I think he said we should always work, whatever it is we do to make a living in this world, with all the enthusiasm and commitment we can muster. I am sure he is right. The people who pay us expect that, and we certainly ought to expect that of ourselves.
He concluded (finally) talking about our worship and the reality of lloving God and His people with enthusiasm and commitment, and he moved us to Colossians 3:23-24. I would ask you to look that up and read it — several times. It is that last few words that struck me – “we serve the Lord Christ.” Do we forget that? Do we somehow feel, or believe, that the one we serve will accept mediocre involvement? Can we really imagine that the One who gave all is interested in our part-time lloving, giving, serving, caring, ministering? I think not. I am sure I need to reconsider my “doing.” “With all my strength,” “enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord,” that’s the command.
I probably ought to get this right.