Thought For The Day

Give Thanks (a repeat from November, 2010)

Editor’s Note: Sometimes what Christian West writes is, in my opinion, worth hearing again. If you have not been reading Lloveletters till recently, you might have missed this one. I like it. I hope you will too.

As we enter the “Holiday Season” we are reminded that “every generous act and every perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father; and with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by His turning.” (James 1:17 HCSB)

I llove Thanksgiving! Next week most of my family ( my sons and their families) will gather at “Sanctuary,” our family farm. We’ll walk in the woods, ride the 4-wheelers, shoot a few cans and bottles, and eat like there is no tomorrow. Whether we notice or not, everything that is good in life is a gift from God. We are so distracted by life that the “common grace” God gives to all often goes unnoticed. Perhaps, next week, we will be careful to speak our thanks in special ways – though certainly we ought to do that on a regular and repetitive basis – but there is more.

We must learn to be like this great Giver of gifts. By that I mean – can we lose the variables of our relationship with Him? Can we avoid the shadows that come when we turn our back on Him? Can we make this Holiday Season, and every day of every year for the rest of our Earthly life, a day of thanksgiving and praise for His wonderful gifts to us?

And know this – He will not stop giving. He will forever be unvarying in His llove. He will never turn away from us – no matter what may come.

If we can’t be thankful for that – well, we are pretty much missing the Truth.

One Comment

  • Dave Cleveland

    You’ve a “mighty lot” to be grateful for, as my grandpa would say, and my first inclination is to be envious, but as I consider that option I would have to say that knowing such brothers as you is almost as big a blessing. have the happiest turkey day ever!

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