Ridiculously Good For You
I am sure all of us are watching for things that are “ridiculously” good for us. . .and in reading an article titled “Ridiculously Good For You,” I was reminded of another.
A visit to the sauna is more than just relaxing; it seems to have real heart and cardiovascular benefits, as well. A group of researchers from the University of Eastern Finland—who previously found that people who regularly used saunas had lower rates of hypertension, cardiac death and dementia compared to infrequent users—now find in a new study that sauna bathing can have a direct effect on blood pressure, heart rate and vascular health. (TIME)
For those who like saunas that is good news. My bride is especially excited in my case about that third thing, and may no longer object when I suggest we install a sauna in the barn. Wouldn’t that be great after a hard day in the woods?
The UEF found another benefit, and I know an additional way to get this same benefit with no cost or much effort. The study “suggests that sauna bathing could help keep the heart healthy.” (IBID.) I know that simply attending regular Church services, worshipping the Infinite God of creation, and spending quality time with His children will keep one’s heart healthy too.
Even better, people who visited saunas four to seven times a week saw the biggest benefits. (IBID.) I can safely tell you that it only takes visits to the Church two or three times a week to benefit from learning the Truth, and finding the journey toward Spiritual maturity easier to accomplish when shared with God’s people.
The study article concluded with some uncertainty about additional benefits, but one thing was clear, “we are sure that it is not harmful.” (IBID.) I can assure you that is doubly true for regular Church attendance, and it may improve every other part of your life as well.