Thought For The Day
Facing the Giants (with apologies to the movie of the same name)
I am not really a “fan” of the Cowboys, but I do like to watch them play when they are winning. I remember the old “Doomsday” defense, Bob Lilly, the “Manster,” “Too Tall” Jones, and guys in the secondary who left you silly after they hit you. Has there ever been a quarterback like Roger Staubach? Those were the “good old days” now gone. And the days are getting better for the Cowboys. I’m glad. In the Star-Telegram today – it looks like this: “On Sunday, Favre will line up and when he surveys the defense, he will see DeMarcus Ware, Jay Ratliff, Anthony Spencer, Marcus Spears, Igor Olshansky, Bradie James and Keith…