Thought For The Day

After the Election

If you have been keeping up with the United States Senate election in Massachusetts, you have seen the people of America at work. While the election of this Republican in a primarily Democrat State cannot be called a landslide, it can help us to see that a majority of people want a Congress that works “for” the people, has integrity, and morality that extends to every facet of how they do the people’s business.

In an AP story by Glen Johnson, Senator Brown is quoted,“in an interview Wednesday morning that claiming the election was a referendum on Obama would be oversimplifying what had happened there. Nor, he said, was it merely a matter of voters rejecting Coakley. Asked on NBC’s “Today” show if the election was a referendum on Obama, he replied, “No, it’s bigger than that.”

That last statement is key. The people want the Government to work “for” them, and “with” them, and abide by the same rules and laws as everyone else. It is bigger than any one person. Power to the people!

While exactly the same mistakes are made by the Church (as those made by Congress) the solution is exactly opposite. The Church often attempts to give power to the people regarding what is True and what is correct from a directional standpoint, when in reality, those are the prerogative of God. There are many who attempt to substitute pragmatism for obedience and post-modern thinking for absolute Truth.

The people of God need to rise up and declare that we are His people, and we choose unadulterated obedience to His Word. We will accept nothing less than His leadership and His infinite grace. We choose to be those who are transformed by His Word and to discipline our life in a manner that allows the Spirit to  conform us to the image of the Savior. Power and glory to the Father.

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