Thought For The Day

  • Thought For The Day

    Hotter than Hell

    Someone said to me – “It’s hotter than Hell out there!” Well, actually it isn’t. Lots of folk seem interested in Hell, because it is a large part of their vocabulary. So let me help those who are interested. The word is found 12 times in the New Testament. Eleven times in the Gospels, and once in James 3:6. Let just listen to the descriptions listed in Scripture Matthew 13:42 – furnace of fire Matthew 25:46 – eternal or everlasting punishment Philippians 3:19 – their end is destruction Hebrews 10:39 – perdition (Judas is called the son of perdition) 2 Peter 2:17 – the gloom of darkness Jude 13 – the blackness of…