Thought For The Day

Concrete and Kids

Here is a rather strange thought (I think). Early this morning I was watching as 70 or so (I hope I got that right) yards of cement was being poured into forms for our new buildings at the Church I attend.

I was thinking about the adults and kids who will occupy those buildings in a few months, and what will be taught and learned in those spaces. As I watched the cement pouring from the pump used to get it in place, I was reminded how the world pours its “stuff” into kids. Some is good, some is bad, much of it is toxic. Cement, after it is poured, hardens. It becomes what we call concrete, which is very difficult, if not impossible, to change really, without a lot of damage.

Fortunately, it is in those very spaces that teachers and leaders will attempt to “change” much of what has been poured by the world into people, and allowed to harden over any number of years (adults need change as well). It is a difficult task, and only the grace of God can make any significant differences.

Perhaps we need to remind ourselves how important it is what we allow to enter our lives (and that of our children) from this world. Once there, and hardened, it is only God’s amazing, boundless grace and hard work (think jackhammers) that allow for change.

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