Thought For The Day


It always amazes me how “things” come together. Where two streams (of water) meet is called a “confluence.” It can be used also as a meeting of two streams of unlike things–hence, this thought.

We have been studying Ephesians in Wednesday evening Bible Study, and the Preacher has drug it out over a period of so many months (years, I think) I can’t remember when it started. However, interestingly enough, last evening we were in Chapter 6 – and talking about the ingredients necessary in our lives to be victorious as soldiers in the battle against evil in this World. He (the Preacher) was talking about the long-term (a lifetime really) necessity of knowing The Lord’s power, the strength of His Spirit, and the force of Biblical Truth which are are required for victory.

I was still thinking about the concrete that had been poured earlier in the day. . .and here’s the “confluence” –

Concrete is made of four basic ingredients, cement (powder, that when wet binds the aggregate), sand, gravel and water.  Other things are added in small amounts to decrease curing time, increase curing time, make the concrete easier to work, and make the concrete resistant to freeze/thaw conditions.  The gravel size is limited to prevent failure planes in the concrete.  The sand and gravel
are proportioned to minimize the amount of water needed and there must be
adequate sand to prevent voids in the concrete.   Water is minimized to increase the strength of the concrete.  Cement is increased to add strength to the concrete.  Air entrainment is the addition of air bubbles to the mix, which helps prevent surface spawling problems from hundreds of freeze thaw cycles.  Too much water in the mix will also cause surface cracks as the volume of water dries, concrete shrinks causing tension cracks. Normal concrete gets 50% of its design strength in three days, 75% of its design strength in 7 days and 100% of its design strength in 28 days. Concrete will continue to gain strength slowly for the next 50 years.
(David L.Carpenter, Carpenter and Associates: Architecture, Engineering, Construction Management) [There will be a test over this material next week.]

Obviously we don’t move quite so fast in the beginning, but when we are getting all the right ingredients and the skillful ministry of God’s people in our life, isn’t it great to know that, like concrete, we grow stronger and stronger as time provides the framework for being conformed to the image of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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