Thought For The Day


There are so many insights we miss,  no matter how many times we read the narrative, if we do not stop and consider the application of Truth to our life. I was thinking this morning about Matthew’s (1st book of the New Testament) comment regarding the state of Judea’s King Herod’s mind after the “wise men” arrived in Jerusalem. The men from “the East” had inquired about where the birth of one born “King of the Jews” had taken place. Matthew said, “when King Herod heard this, he was deeply disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. (Chapter 2, verse 3).

Herod, and at least some of the populace of Jerusalem evidently understood that a new Ruler had come to Earth. Not much disturbs people more than coming to the realization that there is to be a new King in their life.

The reality is, not much has changed in the minds of people in the 21st century upon learning that the One born in Bethlehem was One born to be King. I think it is an understanding  (whether cursory or thorough) that “Kings” have the authority to command, control, set expectations, and provide evaluation regarding the actions of those who come under their rule.

Believers have a new King in their life. He has set the bar – clearly revealed in His Word – and, while incredibly benevolent, has the expectation that His subjects will live, by the empowerment of His Spirit, up to the standard established.

I hope that doesn’t disturb you.

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