Thought For The Day


It is interesting reading about things that go on in Countries around the world. It often seems as if everyone wants to have the same economy as the United States (that may be changing rapidly), so there is “fake everything” everywhere.

Usually it is just a fake product – handbag, shoe, jacket, tie, jewelry, etc., but here is a whole different model –

BEIJING (AP) — At first, it looks like a sleek Apple store. Sales assistants in blue T-shirts with the company’s logo chat with customers. Signs advertising the iPad 2 hang from the white walls. Outside, the famous logo sits next to the words “Apple Store.” And that’s the clue it’s fake. China, long known for producing counterfeit consumer gadgets, software and brand name clothing, has reached a new piracy milestone — fake Apple stores.

I can’t help but note that we are suffering from that problem in Christianity. Fakes, I mean. There are fake churches, fake preachers, fake Christians. So much of what we hear and see today has little to nothing to do with the reality of walking in the Spirit of God, living lives obedient to the Truth revealed in Scripture, and being a witness to the presence and power of our Savior.

It is not always easy to spot a fake. One must remember, however, that while the faker may fool others, the Lord know those that are His. He will never be fooled by our foolishness. His people hear His voice, and they follow Him. Everything else is just pretend.

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