Thought For The Day


It must be difficult to spend one’s days in fear. I know there are legitimate times when one should be afraid, but a fearful heart is a constant challenge.

A good example is the current lawsuit pending regarding the “empty holster” protest planned for TCC Northeast Campus in April. Some folks, and you make the call, want to protest the law against licensed carrying of a weapon on campus. Some will find that a good law, others will find it a bad law. In any case, when fear in the hearts of people restricts the right of people to speak their mind on campus while wearing an empty holster, there is more fear present than ought to be.

Bill Hanna writing in the Star-Telegram said, “TCC contends that students or faculty members might think that the holster actually contained a gun, causing panic and disruption of classes.”

That appears to this writer to be unreasonable fear. I have personally never had much problem with distinguishing an “empty” holster from a “filled” holster.

The point is, people have unreasonable fears. Fear of speaking in public, fear of flying, fear of firearms, fear of death. It’s hard to determine how many folks have died from being forced to speak publicly, but it must not be many. Flying is one of the safest means of travel, even safer than bicycling. Guns don’t kill, people kill, and a holstered gun is not much of a threat. There is never a cause to fear death unless you have chosen to ignore the Truth of God’s Word. It is clear that once redeemed, we have no business living in fear because fear is not consistent with God’s Truth.

If you have a lifestyle of fear, let’s talk. I have good news for you!

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