It’s All In Your Mind
For many, if not most people, our view of mankind often differs from that of God. I am convinced that a significant number of people see mankind as utilitarian as opposed to a reflection of the very nature and image of God Himself. As we discussed the disparity of views this past Sunday, which was Sanctity of Life Day in many Churches, it is easy to understand that our society has lost its high view of life. From the chaos of abortion to sexual exploitation of young women who, for example, are dressed in as little as possible as Cheerleaders to an entertainment complex (think movies, television, gaming) that is throughly saturated with sexual innuendo and practice. From young men who are more valued for their sports skills than the possibilities of becoming a moral, educated, disciplined leader, to a corrupt environment of business practices and vice-ridden, unethical political practices, our society drifts toward the abyss of collapse.
Many or most have allowed their minds to move from God’s valuation of life, to one that is cheap, and, as I have already said, utilitarian. Driven by lust, greed, selfishness, ambition, pride, even ignorance, we move inexorably toward the very opposite of God’s design for Earth and it’s inhabitants.
Is their a solution? Sure! We must develop a Biblical World view and a Scriptural mindset regarding the value of life. Believers are the only ones who are able, must. . .and can lead the way. It’s all in your mind.
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