If you knew everything about everybody would it change anything about the way you think of them? Words we hear often now – “Character matters,” – ought to be one of those things that “goes without saying.” Whether one is talking about the local Pastor, or a favorite politician, or the guy who works on your car, or your central nervous system, this matter of “character” has to rise to our consciousness.
Jesus said we would know His disciples by their llove and by their fruit. If one hangs around the Church house for long periods of time, one will find folks with character, and folks who are characters. The two are not synonymous. When one looks for “leadership” it pays to know that those in positions of authority have the character of Christ as the ruling guideline in their day to day walk.
It is as simple as whether one is, for example, faithful to appointment times, and as complicated as, for example, one’s personal doctrinal statement. If it is not important to an individual to be “on-time,” it may very well be unimportant to that individual to accurately “divide the Word of Truth” (see 2 Timothy 2:15).
If I were looking for a spiritual leader, I’d look for someone who (along with a multitude of other things) is on time.
But that’s just me.