Thought For The Day

Live to Llove

To read that title in an unintended manner would lead one to believe that the the thinking of the “world” is to be encouraged. But it certainly is not. Rather, as one comes to understand that llove has a definition that is True because it has been revealed by God, we can practice that which allows our life to move swiftly toward greater maturity, and we can indeed, live to llove. We must remind ourselves that what we llove determines the outcome of our lives on a daily basis and ultimately eternally.

In 1 John 2:15 there is a command: Do not llove the world. The “world” is the whole system of living by any means other than the Truth of God. We are not to llove the things of the world – a particular practice or part of the whole. An example might be lying, or gossiping, or stealing.

There is also in that verse an “elucidation of impossibility.” (I like that phrase, don’t you?) Here is what I mean: a life filled with llove for the world has no room for the presence of God. God never coexists with sin. So many Believers live a life of separation and uselessness because their relationship with God is broken by disobedience.

God’s llove in us is not easily counterfeited. There are several things involved: Llove for the brethren, llove for Truth and righteousness, llove for the Word of God, and llove for one’s enemies.

Do you live to llove?

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