Thought For The Day

No Listing for Lloveletters

I looked at the list, and I checked it twice (at least down to number 10) and is not in the top 100 websites, and I (Christian West) didn’t make the list of 100 most influential people in the World. To say I didn’t expect to make either list would be true (I didn’t even know was making a list), but now that I’ve seen both lists, I guess I am a little disappointed.

I have never heard of a single one of the top ten websites, much less visited any of them. I am amazed that GAS BUDDY is number one. I know the gasoline price at all the stations on my way to work, and I am not planning to drive across town to save 2 cents a gallon. I am at least familiar with numbers one, two, and eight on the people list, but none of those three have ever influenced my life that I know of. Two of them make me terribly mad at times.

Who is the greatest influence in your life? If you visit websites, what is the one you visit most often? I guess it is a worthy question for which one should determine an answer. Of course I know my answer to those two questions – the greatest influence – my Mrs. West. She, far and away, rules the influence in my life. And the website – why of course. After all, I need to know what I am thinking so I will know how to adjust my behavior.

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