Thought For The Day

Now, on to Christmas

The overeating of Thanksgiving is past. Now it is on to Christmas, and all that surrounds and distracts from what is the real message of a season chosen by us. But it is coming, and I would like to make a suggestion, and plea. Start today to remind yourself, and perhaps others around you, that God incarnate, in the person of Jesus Christ did come to Earth at a point in time some 2000 + years ago. The celebration, in which almost all of us get caught, must not be that which separates us from the birth, life, and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from the curse of sin and death. We have no genuine certainty when the birth occurred, but Christmas appears to be an appropriate time to remind ourselves, and all around us, that the gift of God to mankind (Christ) came to Earth to suffer death and separation from God on our behalf. If we miss that TRUTH, and allow others via our negligence to miss it as well, Christmas is just another holiday.

Now is a great time to begin thinking about how  you will celebrate Christmas. Read the narrative from God’s Word (Scripture). Face the reality that without the TRUTH, the curse of sin and death remains, and only by genuine faith in Christ can one escape separation from God forever (see John 3::16) Christmas, as we know it, is coming. Make sure that you possess the the infinite gift of eternal life through the blood of Christ purchasing you from sin, despair, and separation. THAT will be Christmas indeed.

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