Pay Up, Please
Let’s see if I have this straight. Poor people and illegal aliens don’t pay taxes, they just get tax refunds. Rich people don’t pay taxes, they keep their acounts off-shore and have accountants who find “loopholes.” Politicians don’t pay taxes before they take office, or after they leave office, but will sometimes pay if they are caught.
Associate Press carried the latest tax adventure — “Killefer was the second major Obama administration nominee to withdraw and the third to have tax problems complicate their nomination after President Barack Obama announced their selection.”
So who is paying all the taxes? Somebody must be paying because our “new” government is going to give away a trillion dollars or more to companies, individuals, organizations, States, etc., who can’t make it on their own. I can’t imagine that it’s just you and me. But then, you are probably like me in that I’m too poor to have an off-shore account, too rich to hide it all in deductions, and too scared (read: honest) to cheat.
Oh, and there is that other thing . . .Paul, in Romans (the Bible): “Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.” And that pesky problem our Lord faced which is shared by Matthew in his book by the same name — “When they came to Capernaum, those who collected the double-drachma tax approached Peter and said, ‘Doesn’t your Teacher pay the double-drachma tax?’ Jesus told Peter. . .catch the first fish that comes up. When you open its mouth you’ll find a coin. Take it and give it to them for Me and you.”
I guess the folks not paying must not be Believers.