Thought For The Day


“What does that little yellow wrench on the dash board mean? ” My bride must not have seen it before. “It means it’s time to to change the engine oil,” I explained. Routine maintenance is a part of owning and keeping an automobile if one wants it to last for a few years. Some people do, while others change cars yearly, and/or don’t drive enough to worry about such issues.

Jude (next to last book in the Bible) reminds us that as Believers we need “routine maintenance” if we are going to be Spiritually healthy. In verse 20, he (writing under the inspiration  of the Holy Spirit),  gave us some very important insight.

Four things are listed here that are vital to maturing in the Faith. It’s not like a matter of order or progression, rather a daily practice of principles vital to our day to day walk.

  1. Build yourself up on the most Holy Faith, your redemption in Christ Jesus – Utilize the Truth every day/every way. You have two resources (along with the Holy Spirit) Jude did not have – the Scripture (Bible) and 2000+ years of the “Church” (God”s family) practicing the disciplines of Sanctification.
  2. Prayer – praying in accordance with the will of God revealed by the Holy Spirit in you. Not some crazy foolishness invented by men, but consistently seeking God’s design in every matter.
  3. Keep yourself in the Llove of God – live in the place of obedience where God’s llove is poured out on you, as opposed to disobedience and incurring His chastening.
  4. Look for the finalisation of Eternal Life with eager anticipation. Paul called this “lloving His appearing.” And John the Apostle wrote in 1 John 3:3 “And every one who has this hope purifies himself, just as He (Christ) is pure.”

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