Stealing Christmas
Will our society be able to “steal” Christmas from us? With so much emphasis on the secular, and a growing aversion to anything that has to do with genuine Biblical spirituality, we are being increasingly robbed each year by those who would abandon all references to the real meaning of Christmas, and remove from the public sector any references to the celebration of Christ’s birth.
Every year it becomes easier for us to “go along” to “get along.” The enemy will never give up, and we have become fairly good at remaining quiet and acquiescent to the movement.
One thing of which I am sure – we will be no stronger in presenting our faith at Christmas than we are at any other point in the year. If I am unwilling to be an Ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) in May or September, I will fare no better in December.
If the Church of Jesus Christ fails to stand clearly and firmly for the Truth, Christmas will become a tradition of the past and our Winter Holiday will be only a time of reflection in relationship to our humanism.
The only positive (dare I say it) in that, is that in conjunction with other decisions our society is making, it will perhaps hasten (from our perspective) the second advent.
Even so, come Lord Jesus!