Thought For The Day

The Cemetery

I decided it was high time for me to fix the fence(s) that surrounds “the farm.” Over the years since I got rid of my cows, I have not kept them up. Falling trees, brush, briars, and rust take a huge toll. Today, I was working in the Cemetery. Yes, I have a cemetery near the back of my property. Actually, half of it is on my property and the other half (more or less) is on the property which adjoins mine.

A couple of years ago the property on the other side of the fence was harvested of it’s timber. The company that did the work told me, after the fact, that they did not know there was a cemetery there and their machinery really tore up the tombstones. Most were moved, broken, and left in the brush and dirt.

I am not sure there is anyway I can fix it. My side is gown up, and some stones have been damaged by falling trees. I don’t know who owns the property and I will have to find out if I could move the broken stones to my side and attempt a restoration. Obviously they would no longer be at the graves, but then, they are not now either. I guess I need some counsel from some group or entity that know the answers to that.

The cemetery is very old (not on any maps). I think it may have been a “slave” cemetery. Some of the stones are just flat rocks with a first name scratched on them. Fortunately God knows those who are His and one day those graves will open and the bodies will be resurrected to join Him in Glory. I hope I get to see that. I am sure I will. If He comes soon. . .well I will be here. If He comes later, I will be coming with Him. It would be great to have the stones neatly arranged.

I will fix the fence. Maybe I can find someone(s) who would like to help with the restoration. It would be neat to see it all in order. It has been a mess the whole time I have had this property. Surely it is time to get going on it.

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