Thought For The Day

The Reward

I llove the description of Moses found in Hebrews 11:26.  The Scripture says his “attention was on the reward.” A cursory reading of the passage makes clear that Moses was more interested in what God had to offer than he was in what Egypt had to offer. What makes that even more significant is that it was easy to see what Egypt had to offer, but God’s offer was invisible to Moses. His entire understanding, operation, and goal was based solely on faith.

There are precious few who operate with that kind of mindset in the 21st century. We have a propensity to chase that which we can see, touch, feel, and that makes “sense” (from a human perspective).  Moses moved with a faith that believed what God said – even when what God said could not be seen, touched, felt – and surely did not make sense from an Earthly perspective.

There were certain things missing from Moses’ life. Fear was missing. He was afraid neither of Pharaoh or an inhospitable desert. He was absent much, if any, concern that God would successfully lead them on an eleven day journey (remember this is a passel of people in a world of hurt for the accoutrements of life), and remained absent that concern during the entire 4o years the journey actually took.

I like to imagine what would happen to the Church of the 21st century if that kind of faith was prominent and all-encompassing. Perhaps a few of our enemies, like fear and doubt, would drown in a sea of God’s choosing. It has happened, you know?

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