Thought For The Day

The Things We Teach Kids

I was watching the “news” on ABC while I had a bite of lunch. One of the “segments” featured an “entertainment host” who was telling the “newsman” how to make “mocktails” so that kids would not feel left out during the holiday parties.

What could be more important than teaching kids to drink? We used to believe (sorta) that kids would wait until they were of legal age to begin their experiments with booze, hoping they would grow wiser as they got older. We knew, of course, that many (most?) start around Middle School or High School. But do we have to make sure the little ones don’t feel left out when the booze starts flowing.

You can probably tell this writer is opposed to alcohol as a beverage. While the Scripture teaches temperance (as opposed to abstinence) very many people cannot control the amount they drink once they get started.

A wise man once said, “what we as parents choose to do in moderation, our children will do in excess.” Booze is bad. . .and teaching children to “pretend” they are drinking just as the adults around them, is foolishness at it height.

Over the years I have known and worked with too many  people who abuse liquor. Any is too much, in my opinion. People have enough problems without booze. Please don’t teach your children, by your actions, to think such is not the case.


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