Thought For The Day

The Word of God Speaks

I never ceased to be amazed how the Word of God speaks to every circumstance and situation in life. One would think that eventually it would seem normal that what God has revealed to us is so currently apropos and applicable. Yet, I still find that eye-opening surprise when I least expect it.

Bradford Wilcox, a guest columnist for ONENEWSNOW in a column entitled “More Government, Less God,” points out in great detail the decline of personal involvement in religion and religious activities in Europe as its various Countries moved deeper into socialistic, welfare-state policies. While the article is much too long to quote here, suffice it to say he makes clear that Europe has moved further and further away from God as the State took more and more responsibility for the “care and welfare” of its people. It is one of his conclusions that caught my attention: “Over the long term the Obama revolution is likely to erode first the religious and then the civic and moral fabric of the nation. Undoubtedly, this is not the change religious believers who put their faith in Obama last November are hoping for from this president. But if the European experiment with the welfare state tells us anything, it tells us that this is the change we can expect from a successful Obama revolution.”

And how, you ask, might the Scripture speak to this issue? Simply and directly, I believe. With so many seeking to have the Government provide everything one might need or want from cradle to grave we should consider these words from our Savior, “For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his own soul? What can a man give in exchange for his life?” (Mark 8:36-37)

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