Thought For The Day

This Too Will Pass

Some of our College kids are back on the streets, just like their parents, and with similar ideas that have no future in reality. In just a matter of months or years they will become the “establishment” they march against.

The marchers carried signs spelling out their goals. “Tax the rich,” one placard said. “We Want Money for Healthcare not Corporate Welfare,” read another. The demonstrators were mostly college-aged marchers carrying American flags and signs with anti-corporate slogans. Some beat drums, blew horns and chanted slogans as uniformed officers surrounded and videotaped them. (Yahoo News)

They will get over it. Once beyond the books, and the library study hours, and the checks from home for tuition, they will join the workforce and become the very people they want, today, to change.

Even those  idealistic young people who long to see the Church become what God designed it to be, lose heart and begin to realize that the vast majority have no real heart for change or reversion. We become entrenched in the status quo, the money gets better, the hours get shorter, the leisure time become more important than the cause, and we succumb to the lure of “the path of least resistance.”

The fate, I fear, of America, is collapse before change. The direction of the Church is rapture before revolution – and though I am excited about the former, there is an innate desire for the latter. To see the Church of Jesus Christ call the Nations to account, the lost to life, the weak to holiness, the saints to righteousness, until we all come to “the measure of the stature of the Savior,” is a goal worth sacrifice, but lost, by and large, on the complacent and busy.

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