Thought For The Day


The drought in Texas has brought about a number of changes. For farmers and ranchers there are a multitude of problems. Pasture is dry as a bone, hay is hard to find and expensive, and ponds, tanks, lakes, creeks, etc. have just gone dry.

The headlines of 2007 seem far away. “There are more cattle rustling cases today than there ever have been before,” said Dean Bohannon, one of 27 investigators hired by the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. Now, four years later, some ranchers are practically giving their cattle away because they can’t find enough feed and water.

Makes me wonder what would happen if all the Churches in a given community or area were to shut down for a while. No more great music; no more fellowship and those marvelous Church “dinners on the grounds;” no more clear, accurate teaching of God’s Word; no more concerted prayer, evangelism, discipleship, or shared llove. Sundays would be wasted on foolish things like sleeping late, long brunches, football games, watching old movies on TV, and taking afternoon naps.

Well, the question in my mind is – would people begin to long for Church to return? Like the emphasis we see on discovering how to obtain rain, would folks work hard at finding and restoring Church. Would they stop taking it for granted and show up early and often?

I asked the Preacher at our Church what he thought. No surprise there. He just thinks I’m nutty.

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