Thought For The Day


Trust is an everyday activity for all of us. In the beginning of life we don’t know that we are trusting someone to care for us, feed us, keep us healthy, and provide for our daily needs. The truth is that most Mothers do that for their children without any regard for the reality that the one trusting is unaware and unknowing.

We learn to trust others as we grow from infancy to maturity and that trust is managed in a plethora of ways. As we grow older the ability to trust others as we have in days past, and we become cynical and distrustful as our intellectual load grows wise in learning that not everyone and/or everything is worthy of trust. I am sure I have never had a friend who didn’t find that to be true in the course of life.

Trusting God is a choice. Knowing that He is trustworthy is easy to believe – after all He has redeemed us from the curse of sin and death by the sacrificial death of Christ on Calvary, but, yet, sometimes we find ourselves failing in the task of trusting Him implicitly (absolutely, totally, wholeheartedly, utterly, unconditionally, without reservation, without qualification, one hundred percent). In that failure what normally follows is doubt regarding His llove, and dereliction in living with the peace (serenity, peacefulness, tranquility, equanimity, calm, composure, placidity, rest, repose, ease, comfort, contentment, security) and joy that is rightfully ours.

To the best of my knowledge, everyone’s life is, at times, difficult (to say the least), and sometimes fraught with fear, anger, discontent, and other such damaging dangers. “But God,” (one of my favorite Bible sentence starting words) has control of all we are willing to commit to Him, and it is “trust” that resolves the issue (terror, fright, fearfulness, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, consternation, dismay, distress, anxiety, worry, angst, uneasiness, apprehension, nervousness, timidity, disquiet, discomposure, unrest, perturbation, foreboding, misgiving, doubtand allows us to find “peace” that surpasses all understanding (see Philippians 4:7).

Trust Him! Really, trust Him.


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