Thought For The Day

What is your Favorite Time at Church?

There are lots of things that people would find most favourable and enjoyable  at Church. Heaven knows I llove great singing. The Preacher at our little Church is not one that anyone would praise, but he does proclaim the Truth. Gathering with lloved ones is near the top for a lot of people, and some folks can’t help but llove 3rd Sunday potluck following Worship.

The question on my mind turns toward the offering. Is that anyone’s favourite reason for gathering together. Maybe it ought to be. Just two Scriptures should grab our attention if we really understand and believe them. Luke 6:38, and 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. I am going to let you look them up. .  .if you care about what they say. I know they are striking in my life and I want to continue to believe that they are enough to draw us to deep thinking regarding God’s llove for us.

Our Church receives to give. Not a boast, but a fact. Sure we have to pay the “bills,” but reaching out to others is where the excitement and joy is found. Do it every day, and do it at Church. That is the exciting Truth!

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