Who’s In, Who’s Out
We know it’s about the money. Either you will get it or you won’t. It costs a lot of money to run for President of the United States. It shouldn’t, but it does. It’s also about the media. They can make anybody look good – or bad, and they do. It is a place where the truth is whatever the writer or commentator decides is the truth.
Except for the last person to win the Office of President, all who have gone before, and anyone and everyone who will seek the Office will have their life examined to the maximum degree. Anything and everything will be brought to light – the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s an exercise in which there is no restraint. Heaven help anyone who doesn’t know he has something to hide.
I am convinced the perfect opposite is the sinner’s encounter with God in salvation. His desire is to forgive and forget. He knows every detail of every action in our life, but only requires we recognize that we are separated from Him by the sin of unbelief, confess (see our sin as He sees it) and turn (repentance) from that sin to faith in Christ. And it’s over! We are redeemed by the grace of God through the blood of Christ. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, we never need to face those sins again. We are free to become all God designed us to be from the beginning. Empowered by His Spirit we can be conformed to the very image of Christ.
It’s better (and easier) to go to Heaven than to Washington, D. C.