Thought For The Day

A Platform?

There was a time in this great Nation when Believers (Christians) could pretty much count on being heard and heeded. That time seems to be, by and large, a part of  history.

One might think that we have moved (as a society) as quickly and completely away from Christianity in the public sector as  we can, with attempts to removed the Ten Commandments from public places, remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, the desire to change “Christmas” to “Winter Holiday,” etc., etc.,.

Evidently the proponents of Islam don’t “get that.” Or, perhaps, they know something we don’t. Here’s the quote in regard to the Mosque to be built in NYC near “ground zero,”  – I’ll leave it to your discretion as to how you perceive it.

“We need a platform where the voice of moderate Muslims can be amplified. … This is an opportunity that we must capitalize on so the voice of moderate Muslims will have a megaphone,” he said.Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, as quoted by Associated Press)

What? You get a megaphone too?

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