When a Church starts to go wrong, the Senior Minister or whoever may be in charge, is usually given a short time to turn things around. If he/she can’t get it straightened out and working within a few months there is usually a termination. Or, if a new leader comes to the Church and can’t get things on track within a year or so, he/she won’t make it to 18 months.
So, in light of this quote from an Associated Press story, I have a suggestion.
Discussing the plan that the House approved on a strictly party line vote, Pelosi acknowledged Republican criticism that large sums of money are set aside for favored Democratic programs such as aid to education and Medicare. But she said “we are definitely stepping up to the plate to say we’ll be accountable.”
Here’s my suggestion. If the economy is not “on track,” if the Stock Market is not on an upward spiral, and if the mortgage crisis is not over and banks back in the black, within, say, one year, Pelosi and all of her cohorts must resign immediately. I would call that “real” accountability.
Of course, since things won’t be better in a year (and if there is no change in our approach and that statement is true, you can hold me accountable) because this is a “pork” bill, not a stimulus bill, what we will hear is that it didn’t happen because the “opposition” didn’t support it, and it’s not her (their) fault. One of the saddest truths is that these people have learned nothing from history. We have been here before on several occasions and history is clear about what will work and what won’t.
I’m beginning to wonder if this is the group that will bring us to the end of our run, as America, the greatest place on Earth.