Fire Everywhere
Southern California is burning up. Fires have burned an area larger than the entire city of New York. Houses, businesses, schools, valuable real estate gone in the Santa Ana winds. Nothing seems capable of stopping the surge of conflagration that is destroying millions of dollars worth of property, sending people from their homes, and leaving them without almost every treasure they consider important in this life.
Perhaps it is a precursor to what will follow the end of the age. Peter said, “the elements will melt with a fervent heat.” (2 Peter 3:10)
The best one can do is have sufficient insurance to restore and rebuild. Permanence is never a given in this World. Things happen – anytime, anywhere,” and for all practical purposes, little to nothing can be done.
Not so for the coming “end of the age.” Good works will last through it all. Christ will speak into existence a New Heaven and a New Earth, and nothing shall be able to separate us (Believers) from Him who is our treasure, our life. (Romans 8:35ff) Permanence will be the new reality.
Don’t forget to pray for those folks in California who have lost something. . .or everything.
Don’t forget to live with the expectancy that Christ will come for His Bride, and this World as we know it will perish. Get ready!! Christ is the answer.