Thought For The Day


I remember my momma telling me that when (and if, of course) I lied there was always the likely probability that I would have to tell another lie to cover up the original lie. I would suppose almost everyone I know has told a lie or two (I would be lying if I said I knew for sure) over the course of their lifetime.

I must admit I am amazed at the lies and fabrications that are a part of the political season (which seems to be all the time now). Sometimes the lies are so thick I am not sure one can tell the liars from the non-liars – with the latter not even existing perhaps (I would be lying if I said I knew for sure).

Dr. Ben Carson, candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, can’t seem to catch a break.  Most news outlets are reporting that he lied about West Point, though many are now backing away from that lie, which he said he didn’t lie about in the first place, which means it is not a lie, or that he is lying now. Some news outlets are saying he lied when he said he had a somewhat violent childhood (childlike type violence, pretty prevalent among most children, but not all – I can’t say I know for sure or I would be lying). The media is maintaining he was not ever violent, and wondering why he would say that he was if he wasn’t, even though he said he was and can’t imagine why, if they believe that he wasn’t, shouldn’t it be a virtue, which would be better, even though the media say it isn’t because it is a lie.

Confused? Yeah, well that is the the majority media’s plan. If one tells enough lies, they either begin to sound like the truth (especially when the media support the lies by calling them truth), or they bring one to dissolution as a candidate (especially when the media support the lies, or undermine the truth, by calling it/them lies even though they may be the truth).

Still confused? That’s the plan. Oh, and it not just the media. It’s the Republicans and the Democrats calling each other liars, even when no one is lying and when everyone is lying.

So here is the Truth: “Do not lie to one another.” Colossians 3:9; “You must not act deceptively or lie to one another.” Leviticus 19:11

Please, don’t base your thinking on lies. The Enemy is the father of lies.

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