Thought For The Day


It has been said too often that “no one likes losing.” Certainly the Broncos must be feeling that way today (Monday). Peyton Manning is a man with such amazing skills in the football world, and is surrounded by a consummate group of professionals – yet, February 2 will be a day he will long remember because of a crushing loss. The Broncos will be back – you can count on it.

Sometimes, in the Church of Jesus Christ, I think we do like losing. We don’t think of it that way, and we would never admit that we “like it.” The reality, however, is that we are not capable of fending off the losses that accrue to  our life when we fail to be grounded in the Truth of God’s Word and committed to the intimate conversation of prayer. In those moments when we are facing the enemy in our own strength there is the ugly truth that failure is imminent. And, if we continuously fail to be obedient, does it not indicate that we like “losing” to the Enemy?

The Scripture is clear that we are “more than conquerors” when we are living in the light of God’s Truth, established on the solid Rock of faith, and fervently seeking the power that is ours in Christ Jesus.

If Peyton Manning ever decided that “losing” was acceptable, he would be wise to retire from professional football and find an easier and less crushing endeavor. As a Believer, if you find “losing” acceptable, I might suggest you re-examine your purpose. There are few places where losing is acceptable in football (think Dallas), and none in the Kingdom of God.

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