Thought For The Day

God’s Voice

Do you ever hear God’s voice? I have often “felt” like I have heard His “still, small voice” believing that the Spirit of God is somehow speaking to me  the Truth of His Word.

In my Bible reading this week, I was reminded of a  different concept through the written voice of Job. Take time to read this entire chapter. Here are the first five verses to get you ready – Job 37

 My heart pounds at this and leaps from my chest.
Just listen to His thunderous voice and the rumbling that comes from His mouth.
He lets it loose beneath the entire sky; His lightning to the ends of the EarthThen there comes a roaring sound; God thunders with His majestic voice.He does not restrain the lightning when His rumbling voice is heard. God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things that we cannot comprehend.

Maybe you will have an opportunity to hear HIM soon.


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