Thought For The Day


It is not difficult to see the power of the Enemy in the life of so many people. When those people are the children of God, it is something that must be changed. That change is not unclear, but often a bit difficult in the beginning.

The first step is always securing forgiveness for the lack of Godly power in our walk with Him (see 1 John 1:9). Then it is off  to the Scriptures to rebuild, or begin in becoming “strong in the Lord.” David was spoken of spoken of as “a man after God’s own heart.” Take time to read Psalm 119. There you will begin to see his commitment to God’s Truth, and become a warrior for the Kingdom of God.  Hebrews 13:15 points to the power of praise. David desired Good’s presence with passion and clear determination. Stephan Olford said, “He abounded with praise more than anyone in Scripture.” And he found praise a tool for the clear presence of God every day.

God’s power is still available to those who Walk with Him, Trust Him, and Depend on Him. We depend on power that comes from ourselves, our efforts, our supplies, our strengths. and our experiences. Moses knew the power of God, without which he would be finished. David knew God’s power  in his encounter with Goliath, and multiple wins recorded in Scripture. Daniel knew God’s power in the den of lions. Paul knew the power and provision of God from prison over and over.

We (you) can know God’s power day by day. Find it in the Truth of God’s Word.


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