Thought For The Day

Hang In There

If you are reading this post. . .well, thank goodness, and, of course, the wonderful IT genius who does all my technical work. I have not sent anything in the last few days because we have been attempting to make it all “more better.” I hope you will enjoy the new format. I know (you have told me) that some of you may be having some difficulties. Let me know what they are (you can e-mail me at –  – . I want you to be able to get the letters easily, comment if you like, and utilize any of the other services I offer – like buying the book, scheduling a speaking engagement, requesting a personal note (like an anniversary gift for you spouse), or schedule a seminar.

Please don’t continue to struggle with the site, because it won’t be long before you will quit doing so – and I will have lost a friend. I enjoy writing these lloveletters and I hope they are meaningful in your life.

loving you,

Christian West