Thought For The Day

Spring Comes

Renewed life. Beautiful flowers.Trees are green again. Spring storms are here and wreaking havoc in places. This World is two sided – good and bad. The storms can distract us from the beauty, and were it not for the rains, well, not a lot of beautiful flowers. The best gift of all that Spring brings, in my opinion, is the warming days. I am not a big fan of the cold. Snow is beautiful when one is not covered up with it, but I don’t like being cold.

I have been in some cold Church building during the course of my days. As a child, I remember one country building that had a huge pot-belly wood stove near the front on one side, and am reminded how the congregation would stand around the stove to sing and listen to my dad preach. It was a small crowd that showed up on those cold winter day in rural Missouri.

These days I am blessed to worship in a warm building when it’s cold outside. But Winter or Summer, the building is warmed (and comfortable in Summer when the A/C is running) with the llove of people who are busy growing toward Spiritual maturity. There aren’t any struggles, or distractions to interfere with the warmth of hearts that are allowing our Father to guide us to Truth, provide for each person greater faith, hope, joy and peace. And while the Preacher occasionally goes a little overboard on the time frame, the joy of being together, a family of God, filled with the Llove of our Redemption, is always a warm, wonderful experience.

If that is not the case for you, check your attitude, and your response to God’s Spirit. It may be you. If it isn’t, find a place where llove abounds and the temperature is just right.

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