Thought For The Day

Still Ready

The Preacher had a bit of surgery this week – on his face. And so,  you can be thankful that we don’t post pictures here at Lloveletters. No, it wasn’t a facelift – he is still ugly and still ready. There is going to be some recovery time, but he is keeping his schedule and is not hiding away. If you see him, try not to point and laugh, or get ill.

Sometimes we get concerned about how people and things look on the outside rather than the inside. With our Father there is  always a clear look at the inside. He is not concerned about the sin scars that are a part of our “looks,” but, rather, keeps His focus on the inside, our innermost being, and examines our commitment to His calling, our maturing nature (being conformed to the image of Christ –Romans 8:29),  and our dispensing of llove and Truth to one another.

Beautiful faces and expensive attire can make a lot of difference in the way one sees others. But even with a scared face (or damaged life) and ordinary clothes, one can share Truth, llove the people of God, proclaim the Good News of redemption by the grace of God, through faith in Christ.

Go easy on the old guy. Our Father lloves him – even scared.

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