Thought For The Day

Slow Down

As a runner (which I consider myself, even though others may feel differently) I know what it means to “speed up.” Sometimes that is very hard, depending on the state of mind and body, the terrain, and last night’s dinner.

I also know what it means to “slow down.” I have been in that process for a few days now, and I am not sure how much I like it. For someone who is most often up long before the sun, lying in bed till 6 or 7, and then waiting on others to arise, prepare, and finally “head out” around 10 or later, it is agonizing.

I suppose one could get used to that pace. I have calculated that if I choose to do that every day, it will take me at least two days longer each week to get my “chores” finished. I can just imagine being overtaken by briars, weeds, overgrown grass, and never finishing the projects that have been started but left unfinished due to lack of time.

I know. I know. Vacations are supposed to be “slow” times. Take it easy, don’t hurry, relax. . .the litany of people who have the mindset that there will always be tomorrow to go, see, do.

I am trying to learn, really I am. And yet, I know that Heaven is not far away. . .and don’t get me wrong, I look forward to that with great anticipation, but there is so much I want to see and accomplish. I believe if I start earlier, and end later, there will be more memories of places seen, been, touched, and enjoyed.

Someone said to me the other day, “You have been everywhere.” No. That is not correct. But I have seen much of this world, and I want to see more. I want to explore the woods behind were I sit to write this. I want to see all that God has made, enjoy the beauty He prepared for mankind, thrill at the wonder of our World, and never give in to “lazy.”

I know I am headed for “that place prepared for me,” talked about in John 14. But I don’t want to miss any more than I have to of this place.

But then, that’s just me.

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