Thought For The Day

A Changing Future

If you’re like me, you have probably grown to appreciate your Church, in many areas, just as it is. Obviously (at least I hope it is obvious), we could always be more spiritual, Biblical, lloving, and obedient. The question that is on my mind – How much will the Church change in the next few months and years?

While I want these notes to focus on spiritual matters, and I have drifted a lot into political commentary, my latest concern continues to encompasses both.

One would have to be both blind and deaf, and lack any kind of communication skills to fail to see that our Nation is drifting into unbridled socialism, financial disarray leading to economic collapse, and leadership that is steering the Ship of State into waters uncharted for us, but littered with the remains of failed national entities who preceded us on these tempestuous seas.

The Church has never managed to remain unchanged when Government moves toward Socialism, Godlessness, and economic collapse. Do not misunderstand, the Church of Jesus Christ will survive, even thrive perhaps (that often happens under persecution), until Christ returns for His Bride. But it will change, and I, for one, am not really looking forward to that change.

We (the Church of Jesus Christ) must awaken to what surrounds us from a political-socioeconomic perspective. Our Christian leaders must speak out, demand a return to the ethical, moral high-ground on which our Nation was founded, embrace again the honest capitalistic practices, the democratic processes, and the representative government ideals of our Constitution that have made us the greatest Nation on Earth. 

Do it now! Now, before it is forever too late.

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