Thought For The Day

Adolescent Girls

My lovely bride and I were blessed with four sons. Now we have five grandsons. We often say, “we don’t do girls.” I take a lot of kidding from friends who tell me that granddaughters are some of the most wonderful people in the World. I guess I will never know.

In any case, I have known a lot of adolescent girls over the years who have damaged their mind, soul, and life by finding themselves involved in sexual relationships outside of marriage. One would think that every sane human being would be a fervent  counselor for sexual abstinence for anyone who is not married and ready for children. Our society, on the other hand, pushes young teens into relationships that cannot help but place them in serious danger regarding the reality of sexual misconduct.

Even those who are charged with protection of adolescent girls health have seemingly eagerly entered the battle to create a lifetime of grief.

The AAP (American Association of Pediatricians) says pediatricians, who teens consider “a highly trusted source of sexual health information,” should recommend, in decreasing order of effectiveness, progestin implants, IUDs, injectable contraception, and oral contraception for use among adolescents. (Time)

Here’s a suggestion from the American Association of Lloveletters Writers (of which there is only one): Recommend abstinence. Demand abstinence. Sexual sin destroys. Adolescent girls and boys have no ability to handle the emotional, physical, and psychological stress of sexual sin and its consequences. Do Physicians no longer take an oath to first of all, “Do No Harm?” My soul, what are we telling our children?!!

One Comment

  • dp

    Nothing good it seems (that we are telling them).

    It seems that only the abusers (and that is what they are) are allowed to give them advice.

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