Thought For The Day

Are We That Dumb?

Every ten (10) years our Government takes a census of the Nation. And that is fine. I don’t have any real problems with that, although I doubt it is clearly accurate. What I do struggle with is my “feeling” (as opposed to any “real” knowledge) that my Government thinks we (the American people) are dumb. I have multiple reasons to believe that, but the census will be my focal point.

I hear two commercials regularly promoting our (again, the American people) involvement in answering the questions which are a part of the documents. One has to do with students and teachers – the other, traffic lights and population.

The promotions go something like this – perhaps our student population has grown and we only have “X” number of teachers. If we don’t correctly fill out the paperwork, we won’t have enough teachers for our classrooms. Is that really where we get that information? Do we only increase our teaching staff every ten years? Do we have to have ten years of student population growth before we can hire a new teacher? Give me a break! I am not that dumb.

Then there is the traffic signal/population growth promo. How will we know if our city has grown and we need more traffic lights? DUH! The city in which I work added about a dozen (seems like at least) new traffic lights last year (2009). Where did they get the info to do that? Was it from the 2000 census, or did they anticipate based on the 2010 census?

Maybe this is a small point of concern in your busy life. . .but the real issue is how our Government thinks in relationship to our intellectual abilities. I know there are some folks that “don’t get it” but the vast majority of people in this Country are bright, capable, and will always live up to great expectations.

One other important point. God has great expectations for His children. I trust you are living up to them. He has provided the Truth in His revealed Word, and His Spirit to empower you heart and mind toward Godly living. Don’t be dumb!

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