Thought For The Day

Changing Minds

We used to say that changing one’s mind could be a good thing. . .or a bad thing. It just seems to me that there is more of the latter than the former.

I can remember when we wanted immigrants to this Country to become “Americans,” speaking our language, embracing our culture, supporting our ideals, and abiding by the laws of our land. Not so much any more. Lots of people seemed to have changed their minds.

I can remember when we chose to be a Christian Nation. We embraced “one Nation under God,” and adherence to the Truth of God’s Word was a high priority in our Legislatures, our Schools, and our Churches. Not so much any more. Lots of people seem to have changed their minds.

I can remember when we thought killing babies, both in the womb, and outside the womb, was an act of barbarism, abhorrent in every respect. Not so much any more. Lots of people seemed to have changed their minds.

I can remember when marriage was a relationship between a man and a woman, building a home and raising a family. Not so much any more. Lots of people seem to have changed their minds.

There is a Presidential candidate who is very candid about all those things. Here’s a recent quote  regarding one of them as she addressed a LGBT group:

She was not always such a strong supporter of gay rights. During her 2008 bid for the White House, she was opposed to same-sex marriage. “You’ve helped to change a lot of minds, including mine,” she said. (TIME)

It appears many who would lead our Nation are able to “evolve” in this matter of mind-changing. I wonder how long it will be before those minds will embrace the value of Sharia law;  accept the thinking that “God is dead,” and we no longer need the Scriptures and the Church in our society; become amenable to killing little kids because we don’t like the way they look, or act, or behave; that being able to “marry anyone you love” means one can marry two or three friends, or one’s own daughter, or someone else’s husband.

Now that “changing one’s mind” is seen as an act of intellectualism, I don’t think there is an end in sight. Perhaps we should embrace and emulate the God who said clearly, “I change not.” (See 1 Samuel 15:29)

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