Thought For The Day


There is much conversation these days about Muslims, Jews, Christians, and other assorted folk who follow various religions. I am a little confused. The President indicated in his speech last night (December 6) that God is comfortable (my word, not his) with all of them. I suppose he (the President) believes that as long as people are not “radicalized” murderers and terrorists, God does not really care what they believe. The reality that “Christians” all over the World embrace a myriad of doctrines that are as varied as the size of snowflakes. . .or, feel free to pick your own comparison vehicle, is of no import in the conversation.

I hear people in the United States in one political party who are constantly talking about “Christians” as folks who oppose abortion, cling to guns, practice racism, support war on every front, hole up in Churches with like-minded fools, and hate everything and everyone who does not believe what they espouse.

I don’t fit in those categories. I would imagine you (I have wonderful readers) don’t either.

I can say with clarity, I am opposed to whatever God (and, by the way, there is only ONE) opposes, and support whatever He supports. I believe, embrace, and practice the Cannon of Scripture (the Bible) with the entirety of my heart and mind. I am not sure how “guns” (and, of course, I am not a gun person) fit in the the equation at all. Aren’t they kinda like cars, TV’s, computers, and cookies? Some folks enjoy them, others don’t. Isn’t that about all that can be said? You can use them to abuse others – TV producers do that constantly – and steal with a computer, and break every traffic law, if you so desire. Cookies will make you fat if you eat enough of them, and people die from the complications of obesity.

Maybe we need to define what a Christian is supposed to be. Then we can more clearly see who is and who isn’t. Then if all those who aren’t will hold up their hands, those of us who are can tell them about ” GOD’s GRACE, THROUGH FAITH, IN CHRIST ALONE, and the wonderful, incredible narrative of redemption.

I can promise you when that happens everything will get better. . .fast!

One Comment

  • dp

    Amen. “Their” purpose is confusion, to rid the world of Him who did say, that “if you eat of that fruit, you shall surely die.” No other motive than to rid the world of the Living God exists. They have no goodness, no mistaken loyalties; only to rid the world of him that they hate. I am “glad” that they hate us, it is to be expected and should not be a “surprise” to any that are in Christ.

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