Thought For The Day

Cold. . .

Sitting here at my proverbial desk and looking out the window I can feel the cold in the air. There is just enough sleet or ice on the ground to make me want to stay inside. . .even though it is a bit cold in here too. Friends a hundred miles from here have told me that I am fortunate because their roads are icy and travel is iffy. Denver has 10+ inches of snow on the ground and my grandkids are lloving it. Glad I don’t have to go out and “play.” Some how the years have dampened my enthusiasm for “fun in the snow.”

What is now on my mind is a good bit more important. The reality is that you and I are surrounded by cold hearts from a Spiritual perspective. Many good folks have lost  their excitement for gathering to Worship with friends and family, and allowed those times to slip away. It’s not only the Church of Jesus Christ who, as a whole suffer when the “heart” cooling comes, but there is a loss of communal prayer, Bible study, and intertwinement of lives that affects each individual whose enthusiasm has lost the “warmth” of the body sharing their life together.

Understanding that sometimes it is wise to “stay home,” does not diminish the reality that every time we do so, it becomes easier to do it consistently. In case you think this is about “numbers,” please let that go, and think about cold hearts. For Believers, who, by the way, are commanded to “not forsake the gathering. . .,” (Hebrews 10:25) draw away from regular involvement in a collective Worship, their is a possibility that the cold will set in for a season. . .or a lifetime.

If you are not a Believer, you can find the Grace of God at a Bible believing Church near you. If you are a Believer, you will find a multitude of good, Godly, wonderful things at that same place, and they (those things) will warm your innermost being with joy, peace, and LLOVE.

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