Thought For The Day

Cowboys and Church

The Eagles are near the top – the Cowboys are near the bottom. I thought the Cowboys played a good game on Sunday, came close to winning, and made me a believer that they are on their way back – from whatever this year has been.

Others feel differently. Choice’s asking for an autograph from Vick seems to be a problem for many folks (actually it seems quite appropriate to me), and at least one writer put the whole thing  this way –

Of course, the Cowboys are an equal opportunity train wreck and the offense certainly did its share of stupid against the Eagles.Jennifer Engle,
I am amazed at how quickly we write off a team. I know lots of folks who want a “dynasty,” but, most likely, those days are over. Very few SuperBowl winners repeat now. Last year the Cowboys beat the Eagles. This year, not so much.
The Truth is, the only place where constant winning (victory in life) is possible is the Church of Jesus Christ. Yet, the reality that Churches are “up and down,” doing good and then falling on difficult times, is because we act like the World. When things don’t go the way we want, we get angry, “take our marbles and move on,” and generally decide we know more than God about how things are supposed to be.
Maybe a few autographs would help us to remember to work hard, give all, never quit, work like the future depends on it (here and now – not for Heaven, but for conformity to His image). 
I know sometimes the Church is a train wreck.  Get Paul’s (the Apostle) autograph and think/work/llove/endure like he did. Maybe your efforts will be the catalyst for someone to allow the Spirit of God to get them back on track. That would be a good thing.
Oh, and stop complaining! Cheer! Support! Care! Trains have feelings too, you know.

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