Thought For The Day

Deaf and Blind

I never cease to be amazed at the people who will not hear, and will not see, the Truth which is so readily apparent – right under their nose.

One way to guarantee that you will die in your sins and miss the Father’s house in Heaven with Jesus is to be convinced that you do not need to be saved. Most people (I think) are convinced that because they do good things, or because they have systematized their theological thinking, and have developed their own self-righteousness which gives them the right to enter Heaven, they are doing just fine in this matter of spirituality.

The Enemy has put together a useless and hopeless system of human achievement and works-righteousness and men and women fall for it right and left because they choose to ignore the clear Truth. People are captivated by all kinds of foolishness, hell-bent on “doing their own thing” mixing a little of this with a little of that and believing, even though they have nothing on which to base their understanding, everything will come out alright in the end.

Well, the bad news is – it won’t! It is only the Good News of the Savior and his sacrificial death on Calvary that creates righteousness acceptable to God the Father.

Miss that, and you have missed it all!

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