Thought For The Day

Drive By

I drive within a few feet of the spot several times weekly. I drove by it on Sunday night the 27th of December, and remarked to my bride how high the water was. I drove by it on Wednesday, the 30th of December and pointed out to my friend, Andy, the depth of the water in the field adjacent to the little creek that runs through there. When I arrived for Worship on Sunday, the 3rd of January, I saw a name I did not know in our Worship folder, and the family for whom we were asked to pray; a lady who had drowned in that little creek on the morning of December 29th when her car was swept off the road by the rushing water.

Two thoughts filled my mind. It could have been a member of my family, a friend, a Church member, or me; and I was reminded of the brevity of life. No doubt, as she left for work on Tuesday morning, she fully expected to return home that evening to family and life as she knew it. We all do. As Believers we are ready for Heaven. . .just not today.

Life is tenuous. It is always only a heartbeat away from judgment or Glory. The most important issue of life is whether we will face the judgment of Almighty God, or be gathered with he Redeemed in that place prepared for us by the Savior who paid the ransom to free us from the chains of sin and death.

During the first days of 2016, I urge you to make certain your future. . .not just for this year, but for eternity. If you have yet to exercise saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, find someone who can share with you the Good News of life in Christ (John 3:16). God’s free gift of grace is available to all who believe (Romans 10:9-10, 13). TODAY is the day to make that certain! Someone near you knows the Truth (John 14;6). You probably know who that is. Ask him. Ask her. Contact a Church near you who proclaims the Truth of “grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.”  Do it now!

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