Thought For The Day


Sometimes it is really hard not to envy someone who seemingly “has it all.” Of course, no one can “have it all,” with one exception.

There is a lot of talk these days about “income inequality.” It is not a new subject:

In Edward Bellamy’s novel Looking Backward, published in 1889 but set in the year 2000 AD, people of the future are so “equal” that doctors get paid no more (and no less) money than waiters. And I’m not even talking career head waiters at five-star restaurants. No, in Bellamy’s glorious future utopia (in which we are supposed to be living this very moment), inexperienced college-student-age waiters get paid the same money as experienced brain surgeons. (Rant Lifestyle)

Envy is a sin. Almost everyone who wishes to achieve more of this World’s goods, and is willing to put forth the required effort, can do so. It is a matter of hard work, discipline, intellectual focus, and commitment to task. That is not to say that some folks aren’t a bit “smarter” than others. We all know people who work harder than their colleagues, and we all know people who are lazy. I seriously doubt if “income equality” will ever exist.

One place where there is no inequality is in the gifts available from God. While pneumatica (gifts of the Spirit) may differ from individual to individual, every other gift of God (think salvation, grace, joy, peace, ad infinitum) is equally available to everyone who is willing to be obedient, live in Truth, and stay in tune with God.

If you ever tempted to envy the Spiritual possessions of God’s people – STOP. They are all available in perfect abundance to those who receive them.

Just do it!

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